Are you one of those matcha mavericks who’ve often wondered, how much matcha powder to use or how much matcha tea powder per cup? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This common quandary has sent many a matcha lover on a quest for the perfect measurement.
But before you dust off your microscope or launch into complex calculations, let’s bring some simplicity back to your matcha moments. In this light-hearted guide, we’re going to crack the code on how much matcha to use, helping you brew up the perfect cup every time. Let the matcha mastery commence!
Key takeaways:
- Understanding the Different Grades of Matcha: Recognizing the distinction between ceremonial and culinary grade matcha is crucial, as each has a different purpose. Typically, ceremonial grade matcha is used for traditional tea ceremonies and drinking straight, while culinary grade matcha is used for cooking and baking.
- Determining the Perfect Measurement: Depending on its use, the amount of matcha powder to be used varies. Generally, for a traditional bowl of matcha, you’ll need about 1/2 a teaspoon. However, the amount can change based on personal preference and the specific recipe you’re following.
- Avoiding Common Measurement Mistakes: To get the most out of your matcha, avoid common measurement errors, such as using too much or too little matcha or not sifting the matcha powder before whisking.
- Emphasizing Quality: The quality of the matcha you use significantly impacts how much you’ll need. High-quality matcha, like Ujiha’s premium offering, is richer in flavor, requiring less quantity for the same effect.
- Encouraging Experimentation: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how much matcha to use. Encourage experimenting with different amounts to find the perfect balance that suits your palate.
- Exciting Updates from Ujiha: Stay tuned for an exciting batch of ceremonial grade matcha from Ujiha, providing you more opportunities to perfect your matcha measurement skills.
- How much matcha powder to use depends on the preparation style—be it Koicha, Usucha, or even larger servings like a 230ml cup.
- Understanding how much matcha tea powder per cup ensures you capture its authentic flavor without overpowering or underwhelming your palate.
Understanding the Different Grades of Matcha to Determine How Much Matcha Powder to Use
From the hearty culinary grade that adds a vibrant zing to your kitchen experiments, to the revered ceremonial grade that elevates your tea ceremonies to a whole new level, each has its own tale to tell.
And guess what? The quality of your matcha has a direct say in the amount you need. Intrigued? Well, strap in for an exhilarating journey through the dynamic world of matcha grades. Let’s brew this!
Culinary Grade Matcha
Despite the name, this doesn’t mean it’s inferior in any way. It’s simply a practical and cost-effective choice for cooking and blending. If you’re whipping up a matcha smoothie, baking matcha-infused goodies, or cooking with matcha, this is your best bet. Given its robust flavor, it’s a great pairing for your culinary creations.
Ceremonial Grade Matcha
This is the crème de la crème of matcha, the highest quality you can get. Made from the youngest tea leaves, the result is a vibrant green, delicate tasting powder. This is traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies and is best enjoyed whisked with hot water.
So, the key takeaway? The higher the quality of your matcha (like our Ujiha’s ceremonial grade matcha), the more smoother and less bitter it tastes. But if you’re getting creative in the kitchen, culinary grade matcha might be your ideal pick. It’s all about choosing the right tool – or in this case, the right matcha – for the job!
Understanding Koicha and Usucha
Armed with your newfound knowledge of matcha grades, let’s dive deeper into the world of matcha. Today’s voyage takes us through the time-honored tea ceremony preparations: the mighty Koicha and the lively Usucha.
While they may both hail from the same vibrant matcha family, these two are as different as chalk and cheese. They differ in taste, texture, and even in the role they play in ceremonies.
Koicha: The Rich Uncle of Matcha Family

So, what’s up with Koicha? Think of Koicha as the rich, slightly snooty uncle of the matcha family. He’s thick, intense, and demands your full attention. Koicha, or “thick tea”, is the star of those highbrow tea ceremonies, where everyone’s got their pinkies up while sipping tea.
Why so formal, you ask? Well, Koicha is kind of a big deal. Its rich flavor and depth command respect and make you pause, meditate, and relish every drop. So, it’s the ideal choice for occasions that call for a bit of mindfulness and unity.
Usucha: The Casual Everyday Hero

On the other side of town, meet Usucha, the friendly, down-to-earth matcha next door. Unlike its thick cousin, Usucha is light and frothy – the sort of drink you’d whisk up on a lazy afternoon. Usucha, or “thin tea”, is the go-to for daily matcha fixes and informal get-togethers.
In traditional tea ceremonies, Usucha usually follows Koicha, serving as a relaxing breath of fresh air after the intensity of Koicha. It’s like a refreshing palate cleanser that keeps the party going.
Koicha & Usucha: Dynamic Duo of the Tea World
So, we’ve met the dynamic duo, Koicha and Usucha. Just like Batman and Robin, they’re distinct but work brilliantly together. In a traditional tea ceremony, the intensity of Koicha sets the stage, and the lightness of Usucha ties the whole experience together. It’s all about that balance, my friends.
Understanding the distinct roles of Koicha and Usucha is like getting the VIP pass to the matcha world. Both add their unique flavors to the matcha tale, giving us a full-bodied experience that’s rich, frothy, intense, and mellow. So the next time you’re sipping your matcha, remember, you’re part of this vibrant, centuries-old saga. Cheers to that!
How Much Matcha Powder Should You Use For Koicha and Usucha
Perfecting your matcha game requires a bit of trial and error, and of course, personal preference. Here’s a fun and detailed guide to help you nail down the optimal amount of matcha for koicha and usucha.
Do keep in mind that this is just a guide to how to prepare matcha traditionally. In the end, everyone’s taste buds aren’t the same. So, I recommend experimenting to find your perfect blend.
Preparing Usucha (Light and Delicate Matcha): The Everyday Ritual

- For a smoother flavor and lump-free experience, sift your Ujiha matcha.
- Add 2 Chashaku scoops or 1/2 teaspoon of Ujiha matcha (approximately 1g / 0.07oz) into your preferred Chawan bowl.
- Add 70ml (2.46fl oz) of hot water to the Chawan. Aim for a water temperature of 176F (80C).
- Bring out your bamboo Chasen and whisk the matcha to create a delightful foam on top.
- The best flavor is savored when Usucha is consumed within 3 minutes. Wait too long and the foam dissipates, with matcha powder settling at the bottom. So whisk and sip promptly for the ultimate fresh, foamy experience.
Crafting Koicha (Thick and Intense Matcha): The Ceremonial Tradition
- Again, begin by sifting your Ujiha matcha to ensure a mellow flavor without lumps.
- Add 8 Chashaku scoops or 2 teaspoons of Ujiha matcha (approximately 4g / 0.14oz) to your Chawan.
- Pour 50ml (1.76fl oz) of not-too-hot water into the Chawan bowl. This time, gently stir the matcha into the water with your bamboo Chasen. Unlike Usucha, Koicha won’t develop a rich foam on top.
Please note, only the highest quality Matcha, like Ujiha’s Ichi and Kotobuki, is suited for preparing Koicha. Lesser quality teas can yield a very bitter taste. With Ujiha, rest assured you’re crafting Koicha with the best.
This is the traditional way to prepare matcha, and it may not be to your liking. If you prefer 1 or 2 scoops of Chashaku in 100 ml of hot water, please follow your tastebuds. Even with only 1 chashaku scoop, you still get plenty of health-boosting nutrients from the highest premium-grade ceremonial matcha.
Do you want to try Koicha but feel intimidated? How about using 4 instead of 8 Chashaku scoops in 50ml hot water? There is no hard rule when it comes to enjoying your own matcha.
Whipping up Lattes or Smoothies: The Fusion Twist
To craft your matcha latte or smoothie, simply add your freshly-prepared Usucha or lovingly-crafted Koicha to your milk of choice. Voila! You’ve got yourself a divine matcha latte, a harmonious blend of matcha and milk.
I used to believe that culinary-grade matcha was the ideal choice for whipping up matcha lattes, but boy, did premium-grade matcha change my tune! When you sip on a latte made with premium-grade matcha, it’s like an umami fireworks display, leaving you incredibly satisfied. With culinary-grade matcha, you simply don’t experience that same gastronomic spectacle.
When blending matcha into smoothies, I find that using a higher grade of matcha yields better-tasting lattes. My lattes are not overpowered with sweetness (no need for sugar), rather, you can still taste the umami-ness of the matcha with the nuttiness of the almond milk.
The most important part of measuring matcha is understanding that it’s not an exact science but a fine art. Your perfect cup might require more or less than the general recommendation. Plus, the quality of your matcha, like our Ujiha matcha, can affect how much you need to use. So, don’t be afraid to experiment and trust your taste buds!
How Much Matcha Powder Per 230ml Cup: A Consideration
While you can technically prepare a cup of matcha with 230ml of water, it’s essential to understand the potential drawbacks of doing so, particularly if you’re using high-quality ceremonial grade matcha. By diluting the tea in this way, you risk missing out on the vibrant flavors and undertones that make matcha such a revered beverage.
Our ceremonial grade matcha is a product of careful cultivation and meticulous processing. It carries nuanced flavors – umami, a hint of sweetness, and a fruity aftertaste. However, if you were to use a 230ml cup, these unique tastes might be diluted to the point of being nearly indiscernible.
The general guideline for preparing a traditional serving of matcha involves using 2 scoops of ceremonial grade matcha with 60-80ml of water heated to 60-80°C. This ratio preserves the tea’s intensity and brings out the matcha’s true taste.
However, the beauty of matcha lies in its versatility. We recognize that everyone’s taste buds are different, and what works for one may not work for another. If the traditional preparation isn’t to your taste, feel free to experiment.
Remember, you have the freedom to adjust the amount of matcha, the temperature of the water, and the water-to-matcha ratio. The most important thing is that you enjoy the matcha experience in a way that suits your palate. But be aware that with a 230ml cup, you might not be experiencing the full depth and richness that our ceremonial grade matcha has to offer.
In conclusion, although it’s possible to make a 230ml cup of matcha, it may not provide the most satisfying taste experience. Regardless, the journey to discovering your personal preference can be just as enjoyable as the drink itself. Enjoy experimenting, and savor every sip!
Spilling the Tea: Common Matcha Measurement Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Let’s get real – even the best of us have botched a batch of matcha or two. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with this amusing and practical guide on the most common matcha missteps and how to avoid them:
- Using Too Much Matcha: Perhaps the most common pitfall in the matcha world is the temptation to heap in more matcha powder, hoping for a healthier, stronger drink. But this can result in a bitter, overpowering brew that’s far from the soothing, flavorful cup you were dreaming of. The solution? Less is more. Start with a smaller amount and slowly add more to taste. Remember, high-quality matcha like Ujiha’s has a rich, complex flavor that doesn’t need to be drowned in excess.
- Not Sifting Your Matcha: Ever ended up with clumpy matcha? Not sifting your matcha can lead to a lumpy, uneven brew. Before you measure out your matcha, pass it through a fine sieve to break up any clumps. Your matcha will dissolve better, leading to a smoother, more enjoyable drink.
- Using the Wrong Water Temperature: Matcha can be a bit of a Goldilocks – it doesn’t like water that’s too hot or too cold. Boiling water can burn the matcha and make your brew taste bitter. Aim for water around 80-90°C (176-194°F). If you’ve boiled your water, let it cool for a few minutes before adding your matcha.
- Guessing Your Measurements: It can be tempting just to guess how much matcha to use, but this can lead to a brew that’s too weak or too strong. For the best results, use a proper Chashaku to measure your matcha.
- Using Low-Quality Matcha: Low-quality matcha often lacks the vibrant green color and complex flavor of a higher-quality product like Ujiha’s matcha. It might be worth investing in a higher-quality product if you need to use a lot of matcha to achieve a strong flavor.
And that’s the tea! With these tips and tricks in your matcha-making arsenal, you’ll quickly be whipping up the perfect cup. So don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right first. Like any art form, matcha mastery is all about practice and patience!
And there you have it! Your journey to becoming a matcha maven is now in full swing. The path to perfect matcha isn’t a matter of exact sciences but a journey of experimentation and personalization. Some like it strong, some like it subtle; the perfect brew is the one that brings you joy and fits your taste buds.
As you continue to navigate the vibrant world of matcha, keep in mind the guidelines we’ve shared. Remember, less is more and quality matters. Each cup of matcha you make is an opportunity to refine your skill and better understand your preferences. Be patient with yourself, savor the learning process, and above all, enjoy each sip!
Whether you’re figuring out how much matcha powder to use for a traditional tea ceremony or how much matcha tea powder per cup for your daily fix, the key is balance and experimentation. Remember, each cup is a chance to fine-tune your matcha mastery.
On this journey, Ujiha is your trusty guide, offering premium, high-quality matcha sourced from Japan’s clean, serene fertile land. We can’t wait to see how you bring our matcha to life in your own kitchen.
And just as a heads up – we’ve got an exciting batch of ceremonial grade matcha coming soon that we can’t wait for you to try. Let the aroma of our freshest pick transport you to the tranquil tea fields of Uji. Get ready for the ultimate matcha experience, tailor-made by you, for you.
So, here’s to you, future Matcha Maven! May your matcha always be green, your brew always be smooth, and your journey always be Zen. Enjoy the ride, and remember – every cup of matcha is a sip closer to matcha measurement mastery. Cheers!