Why Does Matcha Taste Like Grass?

Imagine: you’re all set for a zen moment, whisking up a cup of what you hope will be the finest ceremonial matcha. You take a sip, expecting a burst of rich, creamy goodness, but instead, you’re hit with a flavor that’s more backyard than backyard BBQ. “Why does matcha taste like grass?” you wonder, recoiling from the vegetal assault on your taste buds.

Well, my friend, you’re not alone in this grassy predicament. Many matcha newbies have faced the same dilemma, and the answer lies in the intricate world of matcha quality and production. Sometimes, that grassy taste can even mean your matcha has gone bad. Yes, matcha can go bad!

Let’s dig into the dirt and find out why your matcha might taste more like a freshly mowed lawn than the green elixir of zen it’s supposed to be.

The Matcha Spectrum: Grades and Quality

Let’s break it down: Not all matcha is created equal. In the world of matcha, there’s a whole spectrum of grades, each serving a different purpose and offering a unique experience. Here’s a quick rundown:

Ceremonial Grade: This is the top-tier stuff, the king of matcha. Used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies, it’s made from the youngest, most tender leaves, meticulously stone-ground to a fine powder. The flavor? Pure magic. Think smooth, with a hint of natural sweetness and a velvety umami kick. This is the matcha that dreams are made of, perfect for drinking straight.

Premium Grade: A notch below ceremonial, but still fantastic. It’s great for everyday drinking and can be used in lattes and smoothies. It has a good balance of sweetness and bitterness, though it might not be as sublime as the ceremonial stuff.

Culinary Grade: This is the workhorse of matcha. Ideal for cooking and baking, it’s more robust and a bit more bitter. It’s made from older leaves, which gives it a stronger flavor that stands up well in recipes. But drinking it straight? Not so much unless you’re into that kind of thing.

Competition Grade: This is a whole new level of matcha. Created solely for competitions, it’s the epitome of quality. Think of it as the Olympic athlete of matcha – meticulously crafted, unbelievably smooth, and bursting with umami. It’s incredibly rare and often reserved for the best of the best in the matcha world. If you ever get a chance to try this, you’re in for a taste that’s otherworldly. If ceremonial grade is king of matcha, competition grade is god.

Importance of Quality

Here’s the tea: Quality is everything when it comes to matcha. High-quality ceremonial grade matcha is like sipping on a smooth, luxurious cloud. It’s vibrant green, finely ground, and packed with a rich, complex flavor profile. Low-quality matcha? Well, it’s often a sad, dull green, coarse, and has a taste that’s more akin to chomping on grass clippings. No wonder some people are turned off after their first taste!

But what if your high-quality matcha suddenly tastes off? Can matcha go bad? Absolutely. Like many fine things in life, matcha has a limited shelf life and needs to be stored properly to maintain its vibrant taste and color.

Ujiha’s Matcha Offerings

Now, let’s talk about Ujiha, a name synonymous with top-notch matcha. Ujiha’s matcha lineup is the embodiment of quality and craftsmanship. Take our Ichi matcha, for example. This ceremonial grade matcha is a paragon of excellence, boasting a creamy, almost milky texture with a subtle sweetness that dances on your palate. It’s the kind of matcha that makes you go, “Ah, now this is what matcha should taste like.”

Then there’s Awa, another gem in Ujiha’s crown. This premium organic ceremonial grade matcha is known for its exceptional frothing quality and rich umami flavor. It’s sweet, smooth, and leaves you with a delightful aftertaste that lingers just long enough to make you crave another sip.

For those seeking something truly extraordinary, Ujiha offers Kotobuki, a rare organic ceremonial grade matcha that transports you straight to the traditional tea fields of Japan. Grown using the time-honored Tana method, Kotobuki is cultivated in shaded fields, enhancing its rich chlorophyll content. This matcha is meticulously crafted to preserve its natural sweetness and deep umami flavors. With each sip of Kotobuki, you’ll experience the pinnacle of traditional Japanese matcha, free from pesticides and bursting with purity.

With Ujiha’s Ichi, Awa, and Kotobuki, you’re not just drinking matcha; you’re experiencing the pinnacle of matcha excellence. So, if your matcha tastes like grass, it’s time to upgrade your stash and experience what true quality tastes like.

The Misleading Labeling Issue

Alright, let’s spill some tea on a serious issue in the matcha world: misleading labeling. Imagine walking into a store, all pumped up to buy some high-quality ceremonial grade matcha. The label says “ceremonial,” the price tag matches the promise, but when you take that first sip… yikes! It tastes like you’re chewing on lawn clippings. What gives?

Here’s the dirty little secret: Some sellers slap a “ceremonial grade” label on low-grade matcha. They either don’t know any better or they’re banking on the fact that you don’t. This kind of matcha is often made from older leaves, not shaded properly, and lacks the meticulous care needed to produce the true ceremonial stuff. It’s like buying a designer knockoff—looks good on the outside but falls apart once you take a closer look.

Impact of Misleading Labels

So, what happens when you end up with this grassy impostor instead of the luxurious green goodness you were promised? Disappointment, my friend. Pure, unadulterated disappointment. You start to think, “Is this what all the hype is about? Did I just pay top dollar for something that tastes like a bad day at the park?”

This not only leaves a bad taste in your mouth (literally) but also tarnishes your perception of matcha. You might swear off matcha entirely, missing out on the true ceremonial experience that’s rich, smooth, and packed with umami. Moreover, your wallet takes a hit, and nobody likes feeling duped, especially when it comes to a product touted for its health benefits and cultural significance.

The impact of these misleading labels is far-reaching. It undermines trust in the market, making it harder for genuine sellers to convince consumers of their product’s worth. It also dilutes the reputation of matcha itself, which is a tragedy considering its long history and the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into producing real ceremonial grade matcha.

So next time you’re shopping for matcha, remember: Not all that glitters is green. Do a little research, check out reviews, and make sure what you’re buying is the real deal. Because when you sip on true ceremonial grade matcha, it’s not just a drink—it’s a sublime experience.

Flavor Profile of True Ceremonial Grade Matcha

So, what makes true ceremonial grade matcha such a delight for the taste buds? Let’s break down the flavor profile that sets it apart from those grassy impostors.

Characteristics: Low Bitterness, Subtle Sweetness, and Umami

When you sip on high-quality ceremonial grade matcha, you’re greeted by a smooth, velvety texture that glides across your palate. The bitterness is barely there, just a whisper to balance the flavor. Instead, you’ll notice a subtle sweetness that’s naturally derived from the young, tender leaves used in its production. This sweetness isn’t sugary—it’s delicate, like the gentle embrace of a spring morning.

Then comes the umami. Ah, umami—the elusive fifth taste that’s savory, mouth-watering, and oh-so-satisfying. It’s what makes each sip of ceremonial matcha a full-bodied experience, leaving you craving more. This umami richness comes from the amino acids, particularly L-theanine, that are concentrated in the leaves during the shading process before harvest. It’s this umami that differentiates ceremonial grade matcha from its lower-grade counterparts.

Example of High-Quality Matcha: Ujiha’s Ichi and Ippodo’s Matcha

Let’s talk specifics. Take Ujiha’s Ichi for example. This ceremonial grade matcha is of high quality. It has a creamy, almost buttery taste that envelops your taste buds in luxury. The texture is so smooth that it’s like drinking a matcha latte, even though it’s just pure matcha and water. It’s sweet, but not in a way that overpowers. Instead, it’s balanced perfectly with a rich umami that makes each sip feel like a comforting hug.

can of ippodo kuon

Now, compare that to Ippodo’s matcha, Kuon. This one’s got a unique twist with seaweed undertones. It’s like bringing a bit of the ocean’s briny freshness into your cup. The umami here is deep and complex, with a slightly vegetal note that reminds you of its natural origins. It’s savory in a way that makes your taste buds perk up and take notice.

Both of these high-quality matchas exemplify what true ceremonial grade matcha should taste like. They’re a far cry from the bitter, grassy flavors of lower-grade matcha that often turn newcomers away. Instead, they offer a sophisticated, layered taste experience that showcases the artistry and care put into their production.

In short, true ceremonial grade matcha is a symphony of flavors—subtle sweetness, gentle bitterness, and rich umami—all playing in perfect harmony. It’s a taste you’ll remember and crave, elevating your matcha experience from the ordinary to the extraordinary. So, next time you’re faced with a choice, reach for the matcha that promises this sublime experience and sip your way to green tea nirvana.

Factors Contributing to Grassiness in Matcha

Alright, let’s get to the root of the problem. If your matcha tastes like you’re gnawing on a handful of grass, it’s time to uncover why. There are a few key culprits that can turn your matcha experience from heavenly to horrendous.

Poor Quality Leaves

First up, we’ve got poor quality leaves. High-quality matcha is made from the youngest, most tender leaves, plucked from the top of the tea plant. These leaves are packed with flavor and nutrients. But low-grade matcha? It’s often made from older, tougher leaves that have more bitterness and less flavor. It’s like comparing a juicy, ripe peach to a dried-out prune. No contest.

Improper Processing

Next, let’s talk about the processing. True ceremonial grade matcha involves a meticulous process of shading the tea plants for several weeks before harvest. This shading increases the chlorophyll content and enhances the amino acids, giving the matcha its vibrant green color and rich umami flavor. But when this process is skipped or done poorly, you’re left with leaves that don’t have the depth of flavor needed for great matcha.

And then there’s the grinding. High-quality matcha is stone-ground to a fine powder, which preserves its delicate flavor and texture. But some low-quality matcha is ground using high-speed machines that can cause the powder to overheat, destroying its flavor and leaving you with a bitter, grassy mess.

Storage Issues

Even if you start with high-quality matcha, how you store it can make or break the flavor. Matcha is sensitive to light, heat, and air. Exposure to any of these can degrade its flavor and color. Think of matcha like a diva—it needs to be kept in a cool, dark place, away from any drama. Improper storage can turn even the finest matcha into a dull, bitter shadow of its former self.

  • Light: Exposure to light can cause matcha to oxidize, losing its vibrant green color and fresh flavor. It’s like leaving a fine wine out in the sun—it’s just not going to end well.
  • Heat: Matcha hates heat. It speeds up the degradation process, turning your matcha from smooth and sweet to bitter and flat.
  • Air: Air is another enemy of matcha. Once the tin is opened, the clock starts ticking. Exposure to air can cause matcha to lose its freshness and become stale.

So there you have it. Poor quality leaves, improper processing, and storage issues are the trifecta of matcha ruin. To avoid the grassy taste, make sure you’re buying high-quality matcha, processed with care, and stored like the precious green gem it is. Only then can you truly enjoy the rich, smooth, umami-packed flavor of authentic ceremonial grade matcha.

How to Identify Quality Matcha

Alright, now that you know what can go wrong, let’s make sure you’re equipped to find the good stuff. Here’s how to separate the real deal from the grassy impostors.

Color: Vibrant Green vs. Dull Yellowish-Green

First things first, take a good look at your matcha. High-quality matcha boasts a vibrant, almost electric green color. This is thanks to the high chlorophyll content from proper shading during cultivation. When you open a tin of top-tier matcha, it should look like a lush green meadow in spring.

On the flip side, low-quality matcha often has a dull, yellowish-green hue. This lackluster color is a red flag, signaling older leaves or poor processing. If it looks like something that’s been sitting in the back of your pantry for years, it’s probably not the matcha you’re looking for.

Texture: Fine, Smooth Powder vs. Coarse Granules

Next, let’s talk texture. True ceremonial grade matcha is finely stone-ground to a smooth, silky powder. When you rub a little between your fingers, it should feel as soft as baby powder. This fine texture ensures that the matcha dissolves evenly in water, creating a smooth, creamy drink.

But if your matcha feels gritty or coarse, it’s a sign of poor quality. Coarse granules don’t mix well and can leave you with a lumpy, unpleasant cup. Think of it like sugar vs. sand in your tea—you want the sugar, trust me.

Aroma: Fresh and Sweet vs. Musty or Stale

Finally, give your matcha a good sniff. Quality matcha has a fresh, sweet aroma that’s almost intoxicating. It should smell like a fresh-cut lawn on a sunny day—inviting and vibrant. This sweet, grassy fragrance is a promise of the delicious, umami-packed flavor to come.

Low-quality matcha, however, often smells musty or stale. If your matcha smells more like an old attic than a fresh meadow, it’s a bad sign. Musty or stale aromas indicate that the matcha is past its prime or wasn’t stored properly, leading to degraded flavor and quality.

The Role of Proper Storage and Preparation

Alright, you’ve got your high-quality matcha. Now let’s make sure you keep it that way. The secret to unlocking the full potential of your matcha lies in how you store and prepare it. Get this wrong, and you’re back to sipping on bitter disappointment.

Storage Tips: Airtight Containers, Cool, Dark Places

Think of your matcha as a delicate flower that needs the perfect environment to stay fresh and vibrant. Here’s the deal:

  1. Airtight Containers: Oxygen is matcha’s worst enemy. Exposure to air can degrade its flavor and color faster than you can say “matcha latte.” Store your matcha in an airtight container to keep it fresh.
  2. Cool Places: Matcha hates heat. Keep it in a cool place, but avoid the fridge unless it’s in an airtight container. The temperature fluctuations and moisture in the fridge can do more harm than good.
  3. Dark Places: Light is another nemesis of matcha. It can cause oxidation, which dulls the vibrant green color and zaps the flavor. Store your matcha in a dark, opaque container, and keep it in a cupboard away from direct sunlight.

Preparation Techniques: Proper Whisking, Water Temperature, and Matcha-to-Water Ratio

Alright, storage is sorted. Now let’s talk about making that perfect cup.

  1. Proper Whisking: Get yourself a bamboo whisk (chasen). It’s not just for tradition’s sake—it actually makes a difference. Sift your matcha to break up any clumps, add a small amount of hot water (not boiling, around 70-80°C or 160-180°F), and whisk in a “W” motion until you get a frothy top. It should feel like you’re channeling your inner tea master.
  2. Water Temperature: Using boiling water is a rookie mistake. It burns the delicate matcha, resulting in a bitter taste. Let your boiled water cool down a bit before pouring it over your matcha.
  3. Matcha-to-Water Ratio: This depends on your taste, but a good starting point is 1 teaspoon (about 2 grams) of matcha to 70-100 ml of water. Too much water, and you’ll dilute the flavor. Too little, and it’ll be too intense. Adjust to find your perfect balance.

Ujiha’s Guide on Matcha Storage and Preparation

Want to make sure you’re doing everything right? Check out Ujiha’s comprehensive guide on matcha storage and preparation. They’ve got all the insider tips to help you maintain the flavor and quality of your matcha from the first sip to the last. With their expert advice, you’ll be whisking up perfect matcha like a pro in no time.

In a nutshell, treat your matcha with the care it deserves, and it’ll reward you with a delicious, umami-packed experience every time. Store it right, prepare it right, and you’ll never have to suffer through grassy, bitter matcha again. Cheers to that!

How Long Does Matcha Last?

Generally, matcha can last for about a year if stored properly. However, once opened, it’s best to consume it within 1-2 months to enjoy its peak flavor. So, yes, matcha can go bad, and proper storage is your best defense against the heartbreak of wasted matcha.


Alright, let’s wrap this up and bring it all home.

We’ve journeyed through the vibrant world of matcha, uncovering why some of it tastes like a lawn mower gone wild and how to find the real deal. We’ve seen that the quality of matcha—starting from the youngest, most tender leaves to the meticulous grinding process—is crucial. Proper labeling is essential to ensure you’re not duped by low-grade impostors.

Now it’s your turn to take action. Don’t settle for anything less than the best. Experience the sublime flavor of true ceremonial grade matcha. Try Ujiha’s offerings like Ichi, Awa, Ame, and the exquisite Kumo and Kotobuki. Each one is crafted with care and expertise, promising a matcha experience that’s rich, smooth, and utterly delightful. Elevate your tea game and discover what real matcha should taste like.

We’d love to hear from you! Share your matcha experiences and join the conversation about what makes great matcha. Have you tried a matcha that blew your mind or one that tasted like a grassy disappointment? Let’s talk about it. Together, we can celebrate the joys of high-quality matcha and help others avoid the pitfalls of the grassy impostors.

So go ahead, grab a tin of the good stuff, and start whisking. Your taste buds will thank you.

Additional Resources

Looking to dive deeper into the world of matcha? Here are some valuable resources to help you master matcha storage, preparation, and understand its incredible health benefits.

Articles on Matcha Storage, Preparation, and Health Benefits

  1. Matcha Storage Tips: Keep your matcha fresh and vibrant by following these expert storage tips. Read more.
  2. Perfect Matcha Preparation: Learn the art of whisking the perfect cup of matcha, from water temperature to the matcha-to-water ratio. Read more.
  3. Health Benefits of Matcha: Discover the numerous health benefits of matcha, from boosting metabolism to enhancing mental clarity. Read more.

Happy whisking and enjoy the vibrant world of matcha!

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